NJ SAMPE is the 2024 SAMPE Chapter of the Year! Congratulations to all!
NJ SAMPE is the 2024 SAMPE Chapter of the Year! Congratulations to all!
The New Jersey Chapter of SAMPE (NJ SAMPE) announces the return of its scholarship program (the “Program”) to support students pursuing higher education in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM). Scholarships will be offered annually for full-time study at an accredited university or vocational school of the student’s choice. The Program is administered by the NJ SAMPE Board of Directors, and all awards are granted without prejudice.
Beginning with the 2024-25 academic year, awards will be granted up to the maximum amount of $2000. Awards are not renewable, but students may reapply to the Program each year they meet eligibility requirements.
Applicants to the Program must be relatives of NJ SAMPE Chapter members having a minimum of one (1) year of membership with the Chapter as of the application deadline date. An eligible Chapter member may also serve as sponsor for a deserving candidate’s application (ex: neighbor, intern, etc.).
Additionally, applicants must meet one or more of the following eligibility requirements:
Final eligibility shall be determined by the NJ SAMPE Board of Directors. All decisions are final.
Board members’ relatives shall not be eligible unless such member is recused from determining eligibility and/or selection of winners.
Applicants are responsible for gathering and submitting all required information. Incomplete applications will not be evaluated. All applications are to be submitted to joe@njsampe.org no later than March 15 of each calendar year. Student transcripts are to be submitted by a qualified administrator of the relevant high school, college, university or vocational school. Applicants will receive an email confirmation within ten (10) days of submittal.
Selection of Winners
Scholarship recipients are recommended by the NJ SAMPE Educational Outreach Chair (or a designee, if the Educational Outreach Chair is related to or sponsoring an applicant) and approved by the NJ SAMPE Board of Directors. The selections are based on the candidate’s application and academic transcript. All applicants agree to accept the decision as final. Winners will be notified by April 15 of each calendar year, followed by announcements in subsequent NJ SAMPE publications.
Amount and Payment of Awards
Recipients of Program awards will receive checks designated “FOR EDUCATIONAL EXPENSES ONLY” by September 30 of each calendar year. Checks will be submitted directly to each winner’s college, university or technical school, and to be applied solely for the cost of tuition, fees, books, room and board. Students withdrawing from schools are responsible for returning award monies to NJ SAMPE within thirty (30) days of such decision.
Recipients have no obligation to NJ SAMPE Chapter. They are, however, required to notify NJ SAMPE of any changes in address, school enrollment, or other relevant information.
NJ SAMPE reserves the right to review the conditions and procedures of the Program and to make changes at any time, including termination of said Program.
Download and complete the two - part application form (to be completed by the student and school administrator)
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